
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last day of May

I really didn't expect to take a leave from blogging the entire month of May, but that is just how life has been this entire month!!  Filled with unexpected happenings!!  One of the major ones was the weather-Oh my!  We had some bad storms come through and knock out our power for 2 days, uprooted so many trees around our house, and take off part of our chimney.  I am just thankful that we are all okay, and that no injuries were reported here!

One of the main things happening is our countdown to Cocoa Beach!!  We leave this Friday-after Gabe is out of school.  We cannot wait, and it is a much needed break that we are all looking forward to!

So, I just wanted to update that I am still here, and still planning on blogging, but life has just taken a front seat at the moment! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday already!!

Can you believe that Osama bin Laden has been found, killed and buried all within 24 hours??
I stayed up last night to watch the President's speech-loved that he ended with portions of the Pledge of Allegiance.
I am just very proud of our American soldiers and the diligence and risks they take everyday for our freedom!
History in the making is amazing!
(no matter your political point of view)
What's on your menu this week?

Monday-Ghoulash, bread and butter, peas
Tuesday-Chili soup, cheese cubes and crackers, peanut butter and celery (It's cold here-I thought it was May!)
Wednesday-BBQ Chicken and Pineapple skewers, satueed green beans, rice
Thursday-Brother's College Graduation-Quick dinner night-Roast, potatoes and carrots in crock pot, crusty bread, salad
Friday-Gabe has a baseball game-I bet this will be a pizza night!
Saturday-Grilling out!!-haven't picked up what I want us to have, but we are grilling out, because I said so! :)
Sunday-Happy Mother's Day-not for sure of our breakfast, lunch and/or dinner plans yet!


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