
Friday, January 23, 2009

I have...

FLAT HAIR, and I hate it! I know this is totally random, but I just came out of the bathroom after looking at my hair. It is just so flat and limp. I have no body or volume to it. I got it cut last week, and honestly, it looks exactly the same, just shorter. I have a flat iron, hot rollers, I bought new product, I have new salon shampoo and conditioner-it doesn't help. I need help!! Honestly, I am just venting. I just wish I had thick, volumed hair. What I really need is a hair dresser to come to my house every day and make my hair model perfect so that I am not always seen with my hair in a ponytail or clip when I take Gabe to school. I don't know if the other moms even know what my hair looks like down. Come to think of it, I don't know if Chad knows either. My poor hubby, he gets to see me with it flat, limp and in desperate need of being washed. You gotta love the man that loves you regardless of greasy hair. Here's to wishing for fuller (clean) hair. :-)


Nancy said...

You make me laugh :) I seem to have hair issues all the time. In the winter it's super staticky (sp?) and in the summer I can't use conditioner because the humidity just makes it go limp. Lately I use a lot of hairspray and a flat iron to curl the ends and have my hair layered which helps some. I've heard of people getting body perms but don't know if they really work. Hope you have a better hair day ;)

Stacey said...

LOL I totally have thin flat hair, too. Big Sexy Hair volumizer helps a little. But I rarely take the time. You are not alone in the ponytail world. :)

Jayne said...

LOL - we all have hair problem girls so no worries - mine is so fluffy sometimes I think I look like bozo the clown! HA


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